Vintage Waterproof Canvas Coal Bag -
Inspired by water bags and coal totes from the early 20th century, we faithfully reproduced one of our favorite models, built for Army use to carry a bushel of coal. Produced using entirely all-original World War II through Vietnam War-era materials, this coal bag is built using various waterproofed canvas fabrics, 100% cotton webbing, and antique tubular rivets. Rivets are clinched to areas of high-stress, reinforcing the bag throughout its body in the most important places. This is our most water-resistant product, and will keep things bone dry in the field, on a trip, or when accidentally set in a puddle. This bag is built to stand the tests of time, all of them.
Dimensions: 15" W x 18" H x 7" D
Fabric Options: 1) Blue Waterproof Canvas/ Red Waterproof Canvas
2) No. 8 Charcoal Duck/ No. 8 Orange Duck
3) No. 8 Charcoal Duck/ Blue Waterproof Canvas
4) No. 8 Charcoal Duck/ OD Rubberized Canvas
5) OD Rubberized Canvas/ OD Rubberized Canvas