Team Spotlight: Tinker Clayton
Aug 09, 2022
Harold "Tinker" Clayton Jr., co-owner of Hudson's Hill, took some time to answer a few questions for the Goods With Purpose™ Journal, as part of our effort to allow those near and far to learn a bit more about our store, the people behind it, and what inspires our vision, individually and as a team.

For those who don't know, Tinker is the head honcho of Stitch FX, a print and embroidery promotional propduct specialty business which he himself started in 1993. Back then, it was a single head embroidery machine in the laundry room. My how has it been cool to watch just how much Stitch FX has grown, just over the last decade that I've gottent to witness, seriously. Now it is numerous multi-head machines, screenprinting, screen burning, pre-treatment, downtown showroom, off-site production facility in an industrial warehouse, and so much more.
Tinker has designed and produced many of the items we have throughout the store, but if he had to pick on item, it would be all of the Greensboro-branded merchandise, because he is a proud citizen of our city and believes these items are the best way to represent our hometown, Jeansboro.
An interesting fact that not many people know about him, is that Tinker was a male model in high school. Another interesting fact not many people know is that he designed the hand-drawn Greensboro art for the store.
If there's one thing Tink never leaves home without, he may say it's coffee, but I would have to say it's also a smile and laugh, because the man is always looking to add a little humor to anyone's day. Boy can he tell a story like he's from several generations earlier. If you find him at the shop on a slow day filling in, you're going to stay a while, we all promise!
His favorite ice cream flavor at Yum Yum's is chocolate, because it reminds him of his children. But, I have to say I've never seen someone more excited to hop out of the car at Yum Yum's than Tinker himself! Not to mention he's a loud and proud UNC-G alum, so it doesn't hurt that its on campus.
Tinker is quite the family man, all of the time, but more importantly he's a good dad, great husband, solid mentor and a true friend. He is your salt of the earth, proud North Carolinian that loves a tenderloin biscuit from Country Barbecue, getting his local news through the gossip grapevine, going on overseas trips with his lovely wife Melanie, digging his toes in the sand down on the coast on Oak Island, and sipping an ice-cold beer at the end of a First Friday with his buddy Dave on the front stoop at Hudson's Hill, where he is not only co-founder, but also cheerleader, as he puts it.
Tinker lives in Greensboro, is happily married and has three children. His son, William, is also a co-owner of our store.
Thanks for taking some time to let others get to know you better, Tink!
You can follow Stitch-FX on Instagram here.